There could be so many reasons why you or your buyer may decide to cancel your Fiverr order as the best way to move on. Perhaps you can’t do the job due to personal/technical reasons or maybe the buyer is just too unimpressed by the standard of the work and is clamoring for money back. It’s a shame you had to cancel your order but that’s not the end of the road, there are so many orders ahead.

order cancelled
Cancel order by using the “Resolution Center” and clicking “due to personal technical reasons, I cannot complete the work” then, click on “ Ask the buyer to cancel the order”.
The buyer can also request for cancellation from his end and open a dispute asking you to cancel your order. This usually gives an uneasy feeling and no seller likes this. Yet be calm and ask them politely why the want to cancel. If he had not requested for modification prior to cancelling, ask him to request for modification and tell you what is wrong with your delivery. If he insists it’s left to you to agree to approve his cancellation request and cancel or you decline and either get it cancelled by customer support or get a negative rating from him or both.
Yeah I hear some of you saying you don’t care about a negative rating all you care about is your money. I understand how you feel. Getting a negative rating isn’t so bad as you can always buy a 5 star review from a review merchant. Contact me via email if you want to buy a 5 star review.

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